Thursday, 5 April 2007

Sphygmomanometer..really, I'm not kidding!

I just learned how to measure blood pressure with the mercurial Sphygmomanometer (that's the device doctors measure blood pressure with. It's so cool to know how to do those things!!

After I measured my blood pressure, I put the stethoscope (the thing doctors listen to your heart with)on my chest, and i listened to the steady beats of my heart..It was unbelievable how relaxing that could be! u just listen....thud, thud, thud, really got me thinking, wow, sob7an Allah who made this heart the shape it is, working in the perfect, divine system that it works in, controlling the flow of blood to the whole body at all times, day and night..even during your sleep when you're totally uncounscious; your heart is still beating at a steady pace keeping you alive. What is more marvelous than that is that this seemingly powerful organ of your body is still not more than cells and tissues. So it's God that gives it the orders to keep working, to be strong enough to push the blood around your body in less than seconds, moving up to your head and down to your legs. And all this is done for who? YOU. This whole organized, stable, miraculous system works only for you, it's almsot as if you are the ruler of a whole kingdom, and all the workers in it are at YOUR service. You mistreat them by eating wrong, smoking, not exercising, oversleeping..and it still works for you. It never hands in it's resignation paper. No human on earth, no matter how much they love you or fear you would slave as much for you; they would reach a limit and say enough is enough.

Isn't that true? It's one of those times I become dumbstruck by another of God's miracles on Earth. Our bodies and their systems, nature and its system, animals, trees, insects, the solar system..and most importantly of all ALL these things have been made by Allah to serve us, humans. They are His gift for us in this life. The sad thing is, after all that, we don't see why we should obey Him, follow Him, make sacrifices in our lives for Him, at the very least put Him into our consideration when we're making decisions throughout our day.

We all agree that being able to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell, the five basic senses, are great blessings. Yet we never really thank Him for these things. We take them for granted and see them as something we HAVE to have, it's common sense. But the truth is, we don't. We could have been born without one, two, or even three of those senses (and I'm only talking about the 5 BASIC senses..not to mention the millions of other things in our bodies alone). Isn't it true? Couldn't He have made us unable to smell? or see? or touch? Some people are born that way. That is their hardship in life, and God help them in managing it well. So why do take them for granted? Why don't we ever say something as simple as "Thank you God, for making me see, hear, feel, smell, and taste" See? It's dead simple. Not even time consuming!! And you know what? the good thing about this, is that Allah says "la2in shakartom la azeedannakom", which basically means in english, "If you thank me, I shall give you more" WOW! As simple as that!! No climbing mountains or breaking records to win Allah's kindness; all you have to do is be thankful for what He has given you. So you ask me, how could he give us more? it's not as if I'll see more or hear more when I thank Him!! Well, maybe not, but at least He's going to protect your senses for you, prevent an accident that was going to happen to you and cost you one of those senses. That's just as good, isn't it?

So, now whenever you remember something He gave you and you feel blessed because of it, thank Him; it doesn't have to be only these five senses..anything you have was given to you by Him. There is absolutely no doubt or question about it. So..go ahead people, thank Him at any time and at all times, in any way, form, or language..after all, it was Him who inspired us with these languages, right? :)

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