Saturday, 21 April 2007

A Letter..

Dear friends,

I've come to realize something recently - today - to be exact!! Sometimes you could crave something for so many years, believing with all your heart that you cannot live without this thing in your life. You may cry over it..get depressed..give up on many may even lose a lot of things because of your obssession with this thing. Then one night..for some find yourself free of this desperate longing. You ask yourself, did it happen all of a sudden? or was it building up all along? It's strange. But it feels so good. Yes. You are finally free of that ghost haunting you around every second of your life. You feel like you could do anything in the feels good.

You know you still need this thing though...but now you're just willing to accept reality and wait for it to come, because you know it's coming anyway...and you're obssession isn't going to quicken the process.

It's funny how sometimes painful memories could imprison you for so long. You create fears inside you that you never knew existed. You build up feelings, beliefs, and impressions based on these memories...all the while knowing that it's your fault you're holding onto painful images and feelings.

I need inspiration..
not just another negotiation

How true.

To my friends, with love,

1 comment:

  1. hello, i think u need to be more specific...! ! thanks


Can't WAIT to read your comments ;)