Saturday, 28 April 2007

Case:: Temporary Depression

ok, would it seem totally contradicting if I've just been talking about laughter yesterday, and today talk about how depressed I am? I don't know what happened, I guess I just suddenly feel so...flat. I'm not achieving anything from what I should be. GOSH! I don't even want to GO OUT. Now, that's what's really worrying me. Since when do i not want to go out?!

And to make matters worse, I just remembered I have to make a final draft of my mid-term essay for the graduation course AND make a powerpoint presentation on it. OUCH! How can i present something when I HARDLY UNDERSTAND IT! True, I wrote a paper about it, which is much harder than doing a presentation...but still, i wrote that paper WEEKS ago, and i was sticking pieces of information together to get the paper done..that doesn't mean I understand it!!!

In exactly 38 minutes, I will go watch Oprah..and the hell with that presentation. I think I'll watch You've Got Mail after always puts a smile on my face :)


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