Saturday, 21 April 2007

A Letter...2nd Edition :)

Well, according to a request from a blog visitor, who said that I should make the previous post "A Letter" more clear, I will explain some of the things that I think may have been unclear. We like to keep our readers satisfied :)

What I talked about in the first paragraph basically just meant that all of us, or at least most of us, have one or two things that they need so much but can't temporarily have it for some reason. We know that we will get this thing eventually, but because we need it so badly, we just can't wait to get to the moment in which we get it. So sometimes, you could see or hear something that gives you patience and helps you feel that it's ok to wait, you will still get what you want..eventually. This thing could be...well, depends on your life and personality, what you have and what you don't..what you need and what you don't.

Second paragraph is just a continuation of the first.

The third paragraph is a little off topic to the first two paragraphs, and I'm guessing that's where the confusion came from..The reason this happened was that I spaced out for a while after writing the first two paragraphs, then i wrote the third paragraph which was a fruit of my thoughts throughout the few minutes that i spaced out (by the way, spaced out means kont sar7ana)

I think the third paragraph is pretty much self-explanatory..unless i feel that way because i'm the one who wrote it. If it's still unclear, I'm willing to explain, Anonymous (whoever commented on the last post).

As for the last two lines..well, they come from something I heard yesterday..and I really related to them. I'm a little exhausted of how everything has become a negotiation now, from the shop assistant who tries to convince you that something is right for you when you swear to him/her that it won't (after all, it's you who's going to use it, what the hell is their business?!) to the study group you're with, to your family, even in marriage..all I'm hearing from people those days "they want this, but that's too much, it's her mom, it's his parents, they're in for the money, they don't know anything about marriage, but my parents don't understand me" UGH! it's just everywhere..even the most beautiful and joyous affairs have been turned into business-is-business type situation. Everyone is heartless, selfish, scared, dry...just not human. There's no inspiration in the world anymore..even creativity is only for the sake of making money. I'm not asking for a Utopian world, I know that will never exist. I am realist, mind you, I'm just saying...where's have feelings gone? Is there still such thing as caring for one another?

You seems that someone is always trying to convince me with something, negotiate something..and it's always for their benefit. That's why I'm just sick and tired of this type of communication. No more just sitting down to chat, laugh, joke. I mean, it happens (I'm not a drag!) but it's not present in enough quantities to get you relaxed enough to keep going with your life.

So, that is what I meant..


  1. Hi Lubna,

    U may be a little specific in the 2nd edition but u still don't tell the original story, i'm not saying that u have to write ur personnal life, but just write the subject or the situation. Instead u just write what u feel. U know i don't understand sometimes & i had to read what u wrote again from the beginig to realize that: Oh! It's none of my business to know what happened but deep inside, i really want to know :D
    Hey, u said that u like to keep ur readers satisfied, right? Remember in one comment i asked u to write about something but u didn't & then i remembered: OOps!! It's none of my business :D


  2. Thanx Alot for your explanation. But still your poing about marraige is unclear even in ya old post about marraige. Either u donot wanna get married or u see it from a prescriptive that others donot see it from. Thanx again ! !

  3. Hello,

    It's true I don't tell the original story behind what I said, but then again, this isn't a place to expose myself to the world!! I just express my thoughts if I think they may, for example, help others (like those life lessons and all), or maybe sometimes I just need to let off a little steam, share happy news, thoughts, jokes..whatever comes to my mind. In all cases I need to keep in my mind that anyone could be reading I'm never going to say more than I want to say about myself.

    And you know what? sometimes there isn't an event or situation at all, sometimes what I wrote about was just something I've been thinking about for a long time and wanted to share and get some feedback on, kind of like chatting with a friend.

    It's true, I like to keep my readers satisfied, but I also want to keep my private circle to myself. Don't worry, reader, when there's a story to be said, I'll say it.

  4. As for the second comment..well, what I meant to say through my posts about marriage is that I'm unhappy with the way people, specifically married people, talk about it. If they see that you don't make a big deal or you're not going crazy over getting married, they tell you you HAVE to get married..and when they see the slightest form of interest in you towards marriage, they tell you why do want to get married so soon? What's so good about marriage anyway! See? It's confusing..or rather plain stupid. I'm not talking about myself because I know what I want and I know why I want it, so that's not the problem. What pisses me off is the way people get on your back about this issue. They keep telling you you're too young till you get too old, and then they worry because you're too old!! And that goes for both guys and girls.

    This is all based on my observations of the people around me for the past 3 years.

  5. Hello Lubna,
    thanks for answering my question and I really gat ya point. specifically through these two sentences "I'm unhappy with the way people, specifically married people, talk about it" and "I'm not talking about myself because I know what I want and I know why I want it, so that's not the problem." yes, that is what people used to say. and i like ya words, you are not talking about your self.
    thanx alot


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