Thursday, 19 April 2007

To Trust or Not To Trust?

There is a person. Let's call this person (A). (A) was raised their whole life on certain standards and values. Lying, for instance, was always talked of in (A)'s family as a horrible sin; and that there is no such thing as a white lie or a green lie..a lie's a lie. (A) has certain values for themselves, that they choose to live by and believe in. Like perhaps, honesty, and that doesn't mean just being open, it means being genuine in your feelings and reactions. What you show is what you feel, and not just what you want people to think. (A) will be a very happy person. A world without lies, manipulation, or deception is never a bad thing..

But wait..There IS no such thing! (A) grows up, goes to school, interacts with people outside their family. They begin making new friends, meeting their families and coming face to face with new values and cultures. (A) gets one shock after the other. They meet people who lie for the slightest reasons, who manipulate people to get what they want, who don't care what happens around them as long as they can come out unharmed. They meet people who show anything but what they truly feel - And this was the WORST SHOCK OF ALL. Could there be such people? WHY would they do that? (A) just couldn't get it..just why would people hide their true feelings?

Bit by bit..(A) started to lost trust in what people show. No longer able to tell whether a person is acting or being truly genuine, (A) decided that no one can be trusted. It became a way of life for (A). Everyone who would say or do something, probably meant something else. (A) would look at people as they talk, trying to figure out if the expressions of happiness, sympathy, or love were true ones. Unfortunately, there was no way for (A) to find that out because (A) still couldn't comprehend WHY they did it, why they had to hid behind some mask. Because (A) couldn't understand, they couldn't do the same, and they never knew how it felt to be expressing one thing while feeling another deep inside.

One day, (A) was watching TV. There were two people in this scene, one was asking the other for forgiveness because they had deceived that person. The one being asked looked at the other person for a long time..and then finally decided to forgive that person. She believed him. She believed that his expression of apology was genuinely felt. That got (A) thinking..what made her believe him? (besides the director telling her to do so!) But in reality what would make anyone sure of the other person's expressions of any emotions. If you could be deceived one time, couldn't you be deceived another, and another, and another? When would you know to really believe whomever is claiming to feel something? a question that never left (A)'s mind..always wondering..when do you know how to trust someone?

1 comment:

  1. Were u talkin about yaself with this (A)? ookay; i was talkin to Dad about that and i told him that who i can trust in this world. the government for example used to tell us everything wrong and that made something in my personlity "if i can call it a defect" not to easily believe someone. and that occurs even if u start with "7OSN EL NEYYA" and i used to start with "7osn el neyya" but acctually the surrounding tells u "donot believe me tell u; till u gat what u want from me and find me genuine."
    i still keep friendship away from to trust or not to trust because it should be always to trust.


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