Monday, 28 May 2007

A Break

Dear Friends and Readers..

I will not be posting for a long time..I am going through some difficult times right now..and I won't be able to write down any thoughts.

Have a wonderful day..and may you hear some great news soon :)

All the best,

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Old Friends

I am better today..thank God these mood swings don't last long with me.

I met an old friend today in was really cool talking and talking like that..I love having chats with mature people, especially if they're old friends..because the formalities phase is over..u know what they mean when they say something and u just be urself with them. In my opinion, that's one of the best things about knowing someone for a long time.

Sometimes you could be in a bad mood or just tired of life and studying and stuff, and then a friendly chat like that could lighten your heart.

Another thing that makes me feel good is the stage I have reached in this has become like an old friend too. I know that at anytime I could just sit down and write freely, no writer's block or anything. I'm not feeling shy like I do when I just met someone. It's more like the one person you call up when you really need to talk about anything and be sure that they won't misunderstand you or make fun of you.

I have nothing more to say ppl..

Friday, 18 May 2007


Today I realized that I reached my 50th post! That calls for a celebration :D

Yesterday I found out that when pharmacy students finish their practical exams their mood completely transforms from bummed out to elated! Laughing and throwing jokes all over! It's good to see people that happy :)

Throughout the last few months I truly came to believe that if you relax and don't make a fuss over something you want, it will come straight to to you, you will be able to enjoy it, and those who didn't want you to have it will be the ones who will bring it to you! This is a feeling of ecstasy..

I also realized that all my deadlines are aproaching me like a speed train..sunday, wednesday, wednesday, tuesday, thursday..and then BOOM! it's exam time..then...the Big graduation presentation. Uh-Oh..Big time tummy butterflies! Now I just lost my appetite..that's bad :(

My Life

I have always said that I want to be a source of happiness and comfort to everyone around me. I just didn't really know how to do it or why. Sure I knew that I derive part of my happiness from seeing those around me happy, but that wasn't something solid to build a lifestyle on. So today, just a while ago actually, I was watching an episode for Omar Abd El Kafy and the title of this episode was "What is the path to happiness?" It intrigued me to watch it and so I did..and at the very end of the show, he said something about how God loves those who make people around them happy. I realized that I could take a neyya (intention) in doing what I want to do, and not only will it make me happy, I will be getting a reward from God, and I will be sure that He will guide me in the right direction in doing this.

Sometimes it would seem silly that I want to make this goal a huge part of my life..but then when I help someone, or put a smile on someone's face..or give a friend a hug when they're crying..I know that I'm on the right track. I know that it's all worth it :)

Thursday, 17 May 2007

I'm trying to think of a title..but I'm too exhausted!

A lot of people are blaming me for saying that I find it difficult to trust people's like everyone is strong, confident, trusting, and all that..99% of those who tell me to trust people probably can't trust anyone themselves! But anyhow..what I realized through my thinking is that it's not that I don't trust people with my secrets..because that I do..I say things to people that, if I don't trust ppl in that manner, wouldn't dream of telling them anything. The way in which I don't trust people, as I discovered, is that I just can't trust them with my feelings..I can't trust to be open and myself with them. I can't trust people to be something and act as something else..and I end up discovering a year or so later. I just can't take that anymore..I keep my guard up at all times..I mean, what's the point of getting hurt when I could just avoid it? To be truthful, I'm blessed that no one has hurt me by letting my secrets out..maybe because I'm always keen on keeping others' secrets so God is rewarding me that I don't really feel the lack of trust in that manner..but rather in the way I've explained before.

Well..that's it, I just had to let that out now. I've aching all over (stress-pain, nothing to worry about), so I can't write anymore.

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

For Old Times' Sake!

Today I got in touch with an old old friend..We've known each other since we were in grade 2. I realized today that he's the oldest friend I have! I mean, because I've travelled back and forth changing schools, I've had to make new friends each time..he was the only one whom I came back feeling like I had never left! Well..sure when I went back to Kuwait for the last three years of school, we didn't talk at first..but that's because each one thought that the other had forgotten about them. But it turned out to be true that great friendships are lasting even if you don't live in the same country!! it was good to hear from him again..I was all nostalgic about the good ol' days, and it was good to know that a cherished friend is doing ok.

On another level...It's 12.39 am..I've got tonnes to do (yes, as usual!) and I...well..just don't want to do it!! Mini-dillemma (is that two 'L's or two 'm's?)

Looking back on life in high school made me realize how much I was in heaven to be oblivious to many just helps you be all white and innocent..well..only difference is that now I know a bunch of stuff more..I'm still white and innocent..I'm scared of people, finding it difficult to trust them, and find myself just reading into everything they do or say..It's exhausting! I hate it.

But anyway..saying that just gave me a pang in my heart..i hate that feeling so i will stop talking about that.

k ppl...take care

Monday, 14 May 2007

Random Thoughts

Standing in total silence, I peek's not there. My friend is not there tonight. I wonder what could be wrong? I'm sure there's a good reason though.

I took in the whole scene again..the all too familiar tranquility and intense darkness. I loved every second of it. Looking out from my window, it feels like I live in one of those small cozy villages. Like those villages here in Egypt at the North Coast..where you would look out the window in the dark of the night and feel the beautiful weather and serenity embrace you. Like you are the child and the world is your loving tender mother. I know I talk about this scene outside my window a lot..but this wouldn't have been, if it did not stir different emotions in me each time. Sometimes they may even be emotions of sadness..but not tonight. Tonight I was at peace. Total peace. I could hardly feel the walls around me, or the window sill that is caging me in..I could feel like I was going to spread my wings and fly at any moment. One of the things I enjoy most about being with my that he is almost the opposite of what I am, yet we are like one mind in two bodies..of course not all the time! I mean, at situations where we're enjoying a quiet night just reading..or just sitting there enjoying the silence..we both just know what to do..what the other wouldn't like at that moment so we don't do it. It is such a blessing and a wonderful feeling to feel so synchronized with someone so close to you. It is a bond I hope will forever stay as close..but I'll make sure it doesn't ruin either our married intrusions allowed on either side.

Sometimes it is very scary when you know exactly what you want..but you can't describe it. You know that when you see it you will say "YES! That's it!", but when people ask you about it you're not really sure how to say it. Oh well..

So I'll go get some zzzz's now..I have a looong day ahead of me.


Sunday, 13 May 2007

My Flower

Walking through the university gate, passing by the flowers and gardens along the way..watching people socialize even though they're half asleep..all the sounds, scents, faces..A scene that I've come to love so much. It's grown on me. It somehow makes me feel safe now, the familiarity of the whole atmosphere just warms me up even on the coldest mornings. There is a certain flower that I particularly love. It looks heavenly to me. A very delicate flower, semi-translucent petals, you can see it's "veins" if you know what I mean..there are so many colors of it..yellow, orange, red, but my favorite is the fuschia/magenta color. It has this deep intense takes you in. Makes you want to reach out and embrace them. The garden isn't exactly at ground level, it is a little like on a hill and the highest point of that hill is the one next to the wall that separates the path we walk on from the garden. So anyway, I was walking this morning, and at one point I realized that I was walking under my favorite flower. I was tempted to reach out and touch it. I was just about to stretch my was, after all, just above my head. Then a thought occured to me. We don't always do what occurs to us, what we wish for..what we just "want to do". I remembered how when we were children our parents would always tell us "don't touch this" "don't do that" you know, normal parenting! And as a very curious kid I got that a lot..only by the time my mom actually saw was too late!! Aah..good old days :)

I know this particuar situation is trivial..or seems trivial. I mean, I could dramaticize it if I want, like say, for example that certain flowers die (the petals turn brown and dry out) if you touch them..and that when I put my hand on it I will certainly be tempted to pick one (it wasn't just one, like a whole bouquet of them). I knew that picking one would certainly hurt it..because it wasn't going to last long with me. I like drying flowers, but this one is too delicate to would've shrivelled up.

Anyway, so that brought to my mind how when we start to grow up, we give ourselves certain restrictions, we don't just do whatever comes to our mind. There is, ofcourse, spontaneity; but that's a different story..that's the story of my life. Then there's foolishness, immaturity. Doing something just because you want to, without considering the consequences and reprecussions. I realized, at that very moment under the flower, that this self-control comes with the territory. It comes with growing up and maturing. Some people don't feel it..they just do it. Some people have to train themselves for a long time before they grasp the concept. And of course, there are those people that don't even think about it, and don't really care to. These are the people that we see speeding up in a puddle just to see the water splash..but there are people on the sidewalk, there are other cars on the road. There are people going to work, coming home after a long day, or on their way to big appointment/meeting. This kind of thing would sure as hell piss them off! I realize that you know you have grown up and matured when you find yourself stopping yourself from doing something you know is wrong or in some way painful to others.

It actually feels good to reach that realization.

My dear friends..stop and think before you do or say something that you can never take back, and may hurt someone, even if that someone is yourself. And don't convince yourself that you deserve something just because you want it. Personally I am a very curious person..and the number of things that I would love to try and do and say..they are endless. I'm sure if I let go of myself I wouldn't be a very pleasant person..let me just tell you this: I love experimenting with fire! So if no one else minded..I know my parents will!

New Post Series: Reasons I Am Happy.

That last post inspired me to create a series of posts with the title "Reasons I Am Happy", which will simply be a list of the things that I feel are making me happy at that particular moment. This will (a) help me continue being an optimistic cheerful person as I always have been, (b) spread joy and hope to my dear readers, (c) remind me of the small things in life that can be a reason for happiness, (d) remind me that not only big things make people happy, that small things CAN and DO bring happiness, (e) I can't find anything to write here but I seem to like the idea of listing stuff!! :P

So watch out world..Happy Lulu is coming back!! and with reinforcements!! :P

The series however do not have to be one after the other..i mean I'll post about other things in between..but for this series I will give them the title I mentioned above. So tune in every couple of days..we always offer the latest news of love, life, and happiness :)

Senzi: My New Addiction!

ATTENTION CHOCOLATE LOVERS: I just had my first Galaxy Senzi..I'm sure this chocolate came from heaven. It is the best that Galaxy has come up with yet. It outdid Lindt, Ritter Sport,, not Guylian! This still ranks first place! I now know that the T.V. commercial they have for Senzi is NOT is just right. This chocolate gives you's like...well..all the things you love put together! It's not really comfort food..more like a taste of luxury..

Today I am happy for the following reasons:

1. Had my fav. latte at Cilantro's.
2. Had my fav. brownie and Cilantro's.
3. Hung out with my fav. cousin at my fav. mall.
4. I helped someone (my cousin's husband) out, which is something that always makes me happy.
5. Obviously, I just had an amazing bar of chocolate.
6. I went out without planning ahead..and I love spontaneity.
7. I bought a new book..a Sherlok Holmes novel.
8. I had a great laugh from my heart with my cousin (who happens to be the funniest person in the family--and she doesn't even try to be..she's just like that!)
9. I still have the rest of my brownie with me! That's always good news for whenever I'm hungry on the university bus and didn't have time to grab something. Hehe..
10. I was able to find 9 reasons to be happy in an absolutely ordinary day! Which assures me that I am still an optimistic person.
11. I had some slightly upsetting news this morning yet I managed to overcome them and not spend the day mourning.
12. I was talking to my college bestfriend on the fone (while I was at the mall) and she sounded particularly happy and cheerful --this made me so happy, actually maybe more than the other stuff, because I noticed she had been unlike herself for the past 6-7 months. and she always blames it on the weather or her lack of sleep..but I never believe her anyway!
13. I realized today that quite a number of ppl like to read my blog..and I'm loving that idea..and more contributions would be appreciated ppl!!
14. ok..too tired to be happy anymore!

So there are 13 reasons why I am happy tonight..I am a lucky lucky girl :) and I'm not lucky because I have those reasons to make me happy..I'm lucky because I realize those things as reasons to be happy. Or lets say..blessed..I'm blessed..I don't believe in luck or coincedence.

Goodnight now before I get to happy to sleep!!
Luv ya ppl..find your peace in this world.

PS. And no..I'm not in love or anything! I know I sound like I'm head over heels or something..walking around singing love songs to chairs and stuff..but no..I'm just relieved of huge burdens, things I have been worried about for so long and finally glad to have them go away. Thank God.

Friday, 11 May 2007

My Window

I was just standing at my bedroom window. Taking in the view I have been looking at for the past 4 years every day. Loving every second I am standing at that window. Why is my window my sanctuary? well..because this window has always represented new life and new hope to me. I always dreamt of standing on the sill and flying away..just hovering over this beautiful city at night. When everything else is quiet and asleep. I stood there with the refreshing chilly air blowing gently in my face, reminding me that there are still beautiful things out there in life. I stood there..I carefully inspected the scene. They're repainting the buildings in front of ours. They stand not too close..about a hundred meters away (then again..I was always bad with estimations!) well..they were far enough not to be able to see us without binoculars. They're looking beautiful with the new coat of paint. I love everything new and modern and clean. I was very happy standing there. Then I looked at the building closer to us..a school, that was never meant to be. An old school building that stood there forever. Never alive, never hopeful. I enjoyed the contrast the two provided. The old and the new. Or..the seemingly new in this case. Then I looked far off into the distance and I saw what had always completed my perfect scene. The tiny lights in the distance, and two cranes that have been working on some kind of construction that never seems to end! The three together looked to me like the old, the new, and the future. Nice. Seeing those cranes in action and the lights twinkling at me far from the distance has always been an intriguing sight for a kitten that sees a box, one side open, dark inside, and is dying to go see what's inside the box..well..the cat died (they do say curiosity killed the cat didn't they?!!) and the box turned out to be empty (seriously..why would anyone give a kitten a box that was full to play with!! OF COURSE IT'S EMPTY! :P ) So anyway..I enjoy the sounds that I hear late at night. A few cars here and there..a dog barking, cat meowing, the sound of the security guards at the lonely, hollow school securing the gate lock. The sound of feet walking home, eager and unable to wait to rest after a long day of frustration and hard work. The "Goodnight" and "See you tomorrow" that come from the simple, hardworking people. The sound of the truck that pulls up every night at midnight to deliver meat to the butcher under my house. The sound of sweet life saying goodnight to me. Bidding me farewell to a new day, a new adventure, new hope, new love..nothing is ever the same when you open your eyes each day. Even the routine that you do each day..there is no way it is 100% identical each day.

I am tired..goodnight now..and see you in a new adventure...

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

A Post About Nothing

Sometimes, when certain things happen to you, you don't know whether you should be happy or sad..flattered, or agitated. You get a wild mixture of emotions in only a few seconds..and you think your brain has stopped functioning. Well..a good workout and a cold shower can always help with that, trust me on that! You realize that sometimes, we can believe that something is so right for us..and when you see what God has in store for you, it is as if a light bulb has gone off in your head. You see the other side of the story and you realize "wow". Am I making any sense? I hope so..

Ironically enough, my mom just came in and said the EXACT same thing to me, she doesn't know what I've been thinking about, and in fact she was talking to me about my brother and my dad. Amazing how God keeps sending you messages all the time..only those of us who want to see them will.

And when He does send us a message, don't read too much into it..God works in much simpler ways. Sometimes it is the surface meaning we should take, and sometimes we should look deeper..just follow your heart and if you keep it pure, know that it will guide you to the right thing.

I Feel Good

Today..I feel wonderful :D

Why do I feel wonderful? Well..because I faced a truth about myself, that I didn't know existed in me, and this made it easier for me to get rid of it. This changed my perspective on some things, and it made me feel so much lighter. I have hope, I have faith, and I have a chocolate cake in the kitchen! :P

I am a happy happy girl. I love it.

I know I'm not making any sense..but I don't care :D I am just happy :D

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Baby's Day Out!

Today was an amazing adventure! Oh God where do I start! Well..I'll start by saying that I could not get any sleep last night..I was up till 4 am, which of course meant that I woke up at 12 noon. I hate that! I was supposed to go at 11 am to do the last of our crazy photography work! I love photography and all, but the places this dude sends us need a man, and we're all girls! Well..except for this one guy. A really decent guy. So, he wanted us to photograph a historical place in Egypt and a craft. The former is self-explanatory, and the second..well..all that means is that we had to go somewhere where they manufacture something like gold, brass ware, chairs, pottery..anything at all. I was terrified of what I was going to find there! And of course, I would not dream of going to a place like that all by myself! I took my mom (whom I've apologized to over a hundred times now!). It was a HOT day, I was wearing a Navy Blue veil, a white/navy blue striped shirt, and a denim skirt. I was STEAMING! Besides, I got a sunstroke, and boy do I get stroked! I came home so woozy from the sun I slept 2 hours. The trip, however, was very cool, the people were more than friendly. They didn't mind me taking photos at all. And hey, no harrassments! Woohoo! THAT is what made my day. Decent people.

So, we came home and all (I know I didn't put in any details..but I'm still out of balance from that sun stroke, later people, I promise :) maybe not as one chunk, but I'll integrate it into different posts), I had for lunch one of my favorite meals. Shrimps. I just love 'em. And..the best part wasn't the was the COOKING! Yes, I made them myself. WOOHOO! It was unbelievably easy. When I was a kid I used to have my mom remove all the heads from the shrimps, I'm cooking them! WITH THE HEADS! Along with some of my special homemade pink mayo (and that does not just mean that I put some ketchup on the mayo I buy from the store, it means that I MAKE the mayo myself, and then add some ketchup that, yes, I did buy from the store!) I love homemade mayo, and unlike the widely known myth, it does not go bad quicker than store bought mayo. It lasts for a long time in the fridge and it tastes amazing :)

My friend, the star, I saw it again tonight..with two more stars! I've been seeing it on and off since I last wrote about it. But tonight it had some company! but you know what..they were so far away from each other..and the other two were smaller and flickering. Hmm..maybe they weren't friends..maybe they were bullying my friend..I'll have to look out for it, I can't have my friend upset and not do anything about it. Or is a love triangle..the other two stars are fighting over that one star. I haven't decided whether my friend star is a he or a she, so the other two obviously have to be the opposite! Hey..anyway..I think I'd better stay away from personal affairs! It looks like my friend has been fooling around! :P

I've got to go now..I'm not making any sense to myself! And I'm still feeling woozy from the sun.

Take care my friends..

with all my love..

Cup of Comfort

I discovered that nothing soothes me more than a cup of warm milk, brought to life with a couple teaspoons of good quality honey. Just like the old days. Aaaah! The comforting warmth of the milk as it fills the emptiness of my mouth and my heart on long sleepless nights. The strong sweetness of the honey, so strong it almost feels as if the clock has stopped, yet so gentle and numbing that forces my eyes shut in ecstasy. It is a photograph that captures the stillness of the moment. The sip that drains all my worries and sorrows, the endless train of horrible thoughts that keep me up all night even though my head is screaming for my pillow. It cleanses my mind. Yea, it seems quirky having all this admiration for a cup of milk! But it was this cup of milk that gently rocked me to sleep during my childhood. No lullaby, no story, no stroking, and no bath could work its magic on me like this cup of milk with a hint of honey. Not sugar. Honey. Not juice. Milk. Warm --not too hot, not cold at all-- Just warm enough to stay warm until I reach the bottom of it. The bottom I never seemed to reach since I was always falling asleep halfway through the cup! Which makes me wonder..why didn't my mom just make me a half cup to begin with? Oh well, maybe she did! Everything seemed big and tall back then! : )

The comfort I get out of a mug of warm milk is like the comfort I get out of a friend's hug when I'm down, or the safety I feel when my dad or brother put their arm around my shoulder to protect me from any harm..or hold my hand as we cross the street even though I try to convince them that I am 20 and I've been crossing the death streets of Egypt for the past four years! It is the same comfort I feel when my mom tells me "I Love You" for no apparent reason. Most of all, it is the few moments that I can have that teleport me back to when I was a child. A little girl who always saw the best in people and helped everyone despite her parents' warning about talking to strangers. The little girl who smiled at anyone if their eyes met. The girl who feared nothing, knew nothing, and hated nothing. That little girl will always be inside me to stroke my heart and assure me that I was once what I now crave to become again. Fearless, soft, and never letting anyone step on her toes.

This, my friends, is my cup of comfort.

Goodnight now. I have had my milk.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Memories..& Diaries :)

I was looking through some old things, trying to find a piece of paper, and I came accross my old diaries and pieces of paper that I'd written thoughts on when I happy or sad. It was a remarkable was like my whole past was all gathered in a few pieces of paper. In just some words (about 2 notebooks long and a few scattered papers) was my whole childhood and teen life. I laughed out many times at the way I wrote and the things I said when I was about 12 years old. Gosh! Childhood was..well not so long ago that's for sure!

I also teared up some while reading a few of the things I wrote. All the memories of loved ones who have passed away..feeling left out in a crowd of people and not knowing what to do. High school crushes and how stupid and cute they were! It's amazing how you become aware of things now that you were so oblivious to in the makes a world of difference in the way you see things and think about them.

I remembered so many things I had forgotten about myself, and discovered things that I never knew existed..except of course they must have if I wrote about them!

I was always so excited about buying new pens, I would be so anxious to rush home and try them out in my diary..even if i really didn't have anything to write!

It was all so cute, the expressions and catches we had at that age. It was also very real at the time! Everything was such a big deal and seemed like the end of the world if we didn't get this or didn't do that like our friends!

Reading those things also helped me recognize where some of the things I feel or think now come from. It's true that some of the things that happen to you as a child or a teenager stick with you your whole life. Yea..I know..unless you do something to get rid of them..that's another story!

Amongst the stuff I had written, I found a poem I had written..not quite long ago I think. It was something I just scribbled down:

I've asked myself so many times,

what true love is really like.

I've searched so long with hope to find

the core, the heart of this word "love",

I finally realized I've been making one mistake,

All that time, in search for love I've asked not my heart,
but my mind.

If love is, as they say, a pure sensation,

then my mind will never find the meaning I need,

I need to ask my heart for he's the owner

of such a blessing, of honest love.

I've asked my heart long after that, of what it knows of

My heart so young stood blank not knowing much of

I've begged it hard to imagine what the feeling is

After time it felt so bad, for not helping me, for making me

So then, my heart, I told it, describe the amourous

Oh dear, it said, what can I say? It is a totally different

To be in love is purity,

To be in love is white,

To give without expecting,

To love without reward,

To feel your beloved's pain, when you are worlds

To share the joy that's growing and lighting up his

To put your sorrow aside, to enjoy his honest

And hide your joy and hug him when his heart is sad and

To love is to always know

You always have a friend, a brother, a parent, and a

To love is to always know

That a hand will dry your tears even before they

That a breeze will cool your heart on the hottest days of

That someone will embrace you when they sense the slightest

To love is to always wish that your beloved is at his

To know that loving something is letting go when you

To be in love is to see the world a beautiful

Because you know that you have someone, no matter what you

At the end of a long tough day, you are home with your the still of the night.

Everything is quiet, so peaceful, so calm.

Everything is happy, that the lovers reunite.

The only noise around is the longing of the

The souls that need each other, that need to feel so

This is love...and so much more..

True sensations cannot be described..they must be


There are some questions that occur to me..strange things I wonder do some veins appear blue and other purple? Or why do some veins stand out on your hands or legs? There must be a reason..I'm sure there is. Or take this, why do you sometimes feel like sneezing..and it just goes?! It's so frustrating, and I really want to know why. Which brings to my head another question..why are our heads one big cavity? it's like one big department store, and the different sections are open to each other..

It's endless..the number of questions that come to my mind..those questions I just can't seem to find an answer for.

I wish I day..

A Star

Last night..I discovered a star. A star that I realized, only yesterday, that I have been seeing for a very long time. It's a lonely star, stands proud in the sky, alone, every night. It could be a satellite, I don't know, but I like to think it's a star. It's my new friend, I feel like I can reach out and touch it..I know it's a million miles away, but I feel close to it. It looks like a friendly star, and each night I wonder why it's the only one that's so fact, why it's the only one I can see. Then I wonder, why does it disappear after a while? It went to sleep, I tell myself. I will have to remember to say goodnight to my new friend every night before I go to sleep..or before it does :) I remember now, whenever I would feel lonely or sad, I would go sit outside in the balcony, or just open the window and stare into the void, I would melt in with the sky..the intense black sky. I would look at the moon, or this star, my friend. It's a very loyal friend, too. It would always be there when I needed it. Never let me down. I can always count on it.

I've always loved the sky, day or night..I always find myself looking at it. But for some reason, I always felt closer to the sky at night. When everything was black, and peaceful. I remember when I would be at the beach at night, everything would be so peaceful..just the sound of the waves kissing the shore, no noise, no kids fighting, nothing. I would stand as close as I could to the sea..just the sea, the moon..and me. I could stand there talking to the sea, my good old friend..the friend that never let my secrets out..the friend that never laughed at me, or criticized my thoughts. My trusted loyal friend. It was the sea that I could always rely on to take all my worries far far away..never bring them back..never give them away. The sea was always like the old wise friend I long for..and the star was the young friend I could share all the exciting stuff with. They were the friends that never left you, never betrayed you..never gave up on you.

They are my soulmates.