Wednesday, 16 May 2007

For Old Times' Sake!

Today I got in touch with an old old friend..We've known each other since we were in grade 2. I realized today that he's the oldest friend I have! I mean, because I've travelled back and forth changing schools, I've had to make new friends each time..he was the only one whom I came back feeling like I had never left! Well..sure when I went back to Kuwait for the last three years of school, we didn't talk at first..but that's because each one thought that the other had forgotten about them. But it turned out to be true that great friendships are lasting even if you don't live in the same country!! it was good to hear from him again..I was all nostalgic about the good ol' days, and it was good to know that a cherished friend is doing ok.

On another level...It's 12.39 am..I've got tonnes to do (yes, as usual!) and I...well..just don't want to do it!! Mini-dillemma (is that two 'L's or two 'm's?)

Looking back on life in high school made me realize how much I was in heaven to be oblivious to many just helps you be all white and innocent..well..only difference is that now I know a bunch of stuff more..I'm still white and innocent..I'm scared of people, finding it difficult to trust them, and find myself just reading into everything they do or say..It's exhausting! I hate it.

But anyway..saying that just gave me a pang in my heart..i hate that feeling so i will stop talking about that.

k ppl...take care

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