Friday, 11 May 2007

My Window

I was just standing at my bedroom window. Taking in the view I have been looking at for the past 4 years every day. Loving every second I am standing at that window. Why is my window my sanctuary? well..because this window has always represented new life and new hope to me. I always dreamt of standing on the sill and flying away..just hovering over this beautiful city at night. When everything else is quiet and asleep. I stood there with the refreshing chilly air blowing gently in my face, reminding me that there are still beautiful things out there in life. I stood there..I carefully inspected the scene. They're repainting the buildings in front of ours. They stand not too close..about a hundred meters away (then again..I was always bad with estimations!) well..they were far enough not to be able to see us without binoculars. They're looking beautiful with the new coat of paint. I love everything new and modern and clean. I was very happy standing there. Then I looked at the building closer to us..a school, that was never meant to be. An old school building that stood there forever. Never alive, never hopeful. I enjoyed the contrast the two provided. The old and the new. Or..the seemingly new in this case. Then I looked far off into the distance and I saw what had always completed my perfect scene. The tiny lights in the distance, and two cranes that have been working on some kind of construction that never seems to end! The three together looked to me like the old, the new, and the future. Nice. Seeing those cranes in action and the lights twinkling at me far from the distance has always been an intriguing sight for a kitten that sees a box, one side open, dark inside, and is dying to go see what's inside the box..well..the cat died (they do say curiosity killed the cat didn't they?!!) and the box turned out to be empty (seriously..why would anyone give a kitten a box that was full to play with!! OF COURSE IT'S EMPTY! :P ) So anyway..I enjoy the sounds that I hear late at night. A few cars here and there..a dog barking, cat meowing, the sound of the security guards at the lonely, hollow school securing the gate lock. The sound of feet walking home, eager and unable to wait to rest after a long day of frustration and hard work. The "Goodnight" and "See you tomorrow" that come from the simple, hardworking people. The sound of the truck that pulls up every night at midnight to deliver meat to the butcher under my house. The sound of sweet life saying goodnight to me. Bidding me farewell to a new day, a new adventure, new hope, new love..nothing is ever the same when you open your eyes each day. Even the routine that you do each day..there is no way it is 100% identical each day.

I am tired..goodnight now..and see you in a new adventure...

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