Sunday, 13 May 2007

Senzi: My New Addiction!

ATTENTION CHOCOLATE LOVERS: I just had my first Galaxy Senzi..I'm sure this chocolate came from heaven. It is the best that Galaxy has come up with yet. It outdid Lindt, Ritter Sport,, not Guylian! This still ranks first place! I now know that the T.V. commercial they have for Senzi is NOT is just right. This chocolate gives you's like...well..all the things you love put together! It's not really comfort food..more like a taste of luxury..

Today I am happy for the following reasons:

1. Had my fav. latte at Cilantro's.
2. Had my fav. brownie and Cilantro's.
3. Hung out with my fav. cousin at my fav. mall.
4. I helped someone (my cousin's husband) out, which is something that always makes me happy.
5. Obviously, I just had an amazing bar of chocolate.
6. I went out without planning ahead..and I love spontaneity.
7. I bought a new book..a Sherlok Holmes novel.
8. I had a great laugh from my heart with my cousin (who happens to be the funniest person in the family--and she doesn't even try to be..she's just like that!)
9. I still have the rest of my brownie with me! That's always good news for whenever I'm hungry on the university bus and didn't have time to grab something. Hehe..
10. I was able to find 9 reasons to be happy in an absolutely ordinary day! Which assures me that I am still an optimistic person.
11. I had some slightly upsetting news this morning yet I managed to overcome them and not spend the day mourning.
12. I was talking to my college bestfriend on the fone (while I was at the mall) and she sounded particularly happy and cheerful --this made me so happy, actually maybe more than the other stuff, because I noticed she had been unlike herself for the past 6-7 months. and she always blames it on the weather or her lack of sleep..but I never believe her anyway!
13. I realized today that quite a number of ppl like to read my blog..and I'm loving that idea..and more contributions would be appreciated ppl!!
14. ok..too tired to be happy anymore!

So there are 13 reasons why I am happy tonight..I am a lucky lucky girl :) and I'm not lucky because I have those reasons to make me happy..I'm lucky because I realize those things as reasons to be happy. Or lets say..blessed..I'm blessed..I don't believe in luck or coincedence.

Goodnight now before I get to happy to sleep!!
Luv ya ppl..find your peace in this world.

PS. And no..I'm not in love or anything! I know I sound like I'm head over heels or something..walking around singing love songs to chairs and stuff..but no..I'm just relieved of huge burdens, things I have been worried about for so long and finally glad to have them go away. Thank God.


  1. Hi! lol I agree with you on the Senzi.Wow :O lots of reasons to be happy :O Your bookshelf holds several of my delights lol

  2. Thanks anonymous, I appreciate your comment very much :) I'm glad there's another Senzi lover out there :D

  3. Definitly ^_^


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