Tuesday, 27 March 2007

I've Learned..

Throughout my life, I've learned many many things. Sometimes I appreciate everything I've learned..and sometimes I feel that the sky is falling.

I've learned that the fear of the unknown is one common type of fear that all humans share.

I've learned that it's ok to give yourself a break every once in a while and go against routine and guidelines.

I've learned that the best way to learn how to forgive, is by getting hurt...

I've learned that the best way to live is to be YOU.

I've learned that it's ok when people do stupid things that upset or hurt you..because you've done it too

I've discovered that the best way to learn is by observing

I've come to realize that the more you want something, the longer it will take for you to have it..

I've learned that laughter IS the best medicine

and I've decided that when I get a chance to laugh out loud and forget the whole world..I shouldn't stop myself

I've always believed that friends are so important..make some because you'll need them one day

I've discovered that even if I don't have a bestfriend, or at least a close friend..that I should have a good relationship with EVERYONE I know.

I know that extremism is a foolish way to live.

I've come to believe that getting deeply hurt...is something no one should take lightly, it's important, it matters.

I've discovered that lonliness can drive you crazy, and can push you to weird thoughts and feelings

I've discovered that you can be lonely even if you're surrounded by millions of people who love you. Yes, you can.

I've learned that doing someone a favour is a great thing. But making them feel that it was a favour just takes away the greatness of it.

I've discovered that reading can sometimes be a great way to relieve stress..and so can writing.

Everyone has a story in their life. Everyone. Young and old. Poor and rich. Strong and weak. They all have a story, they all live for something.

I've noticed that the most peaceful time of the day, is when everyone has gone to bed at night and you're all alone in a room lit by a small lamp on your bedside table. It feels good.

I've discovered that for some people, a smile that you give them on your way could change their life for the better. And you thought it was only a smile.

Is it possible for someone to be lonely for the rest of their lives? I wonder..

I've discovered that the way people see you everyday is not close to how you really feel or think inside.

I've learned that we don't only do things because we "want" to, or because we "like" doing them.

I've always believed that perfection only leads to misery. Excellence, on the other hand, is a beautiful concept.

I've discovered that the conflicts we have and the differences that we can't stand in each other, are the most amazing spice of life.

I've learned, discovered, realized..and I have yet to learn.

But will I always..

will I?

I wonder. I really do.

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