Sunday, 25 March 2007

Happiness Vs. Satisfaction

Hello people..

You know, i was looking through my stuff, and found an old notebook i used to carry around everywhere and write or doodle anything that came up in my mind. I discovered a lot of things about myself looking through that notebook..but most importantly, i found an entry i had wrote while on a plane. I was travelling from Egypt to spend the summer vacation in Kuwait. It's amazing what you write and then totally forget about! Anyway, so this entry was about happiness, what the true meaning of happiness was. In this post, I'll type up what I had wrote back then, and then I'll write a similar piece of text I had written several days ago as a comment to a friend's post here on Blogger.

In the notebook, I wrote..

"In so many different languages, in so many words..philosophers, thinkers and believers have tried to define happiness..However..could there really be a true, particular, defined meaning of happiness? Happiness is such a broad word, so has a different meaning to everyone. a special, personal meaning..
For one, happiness is being with their loved one, to another it may mean succeeding in everything and being superior to everyone..some think of happiness as a fairy tale..non-existent. i suppose only pessimists think that anyone truly happy? Did anyone find the magic potion of happiness? I guess only fools would be looking for something like that..Happiness is right under everybody's noses..they are just too blinded by materialistic thoughts and desires to see it. Those who have wealth think they can buy happiness with their wealth, and those who don't mourn their luck and call life unfair...
Happiness is in love, forgiveness, hope, faith, belief in oneself and in others. It means giving second chances and smiling to people on your way. It means starting all over again and bouncing back up when you means giving before taking and fulfilling before expecting. It is thinking of others before yourself and loving that what happiness is? is that what it means? I think this works for there could be a definition for happiness after all..I guess.."

When I compared that what I wrote these days, i noticed a noticeable difference in thinking and style. I really enjoyed the comparison and hope you do to. Note that the first entry was writted when i was about 17 or 18. This new one I wrote and I'm now 20.

Here goes..

"you know what, i've been thinking about what you said about people just putting on a happy face in public. i've been thinking about that for years and as i always do, i observe everything that happens around me. I guess i've been searching for the meaning of "sincere happiness" for a looong time.personally, when i've got a problem or issue on my mind, i can't hide it. i'm the kind of person who's feelings are written on her forehead. you could say i wear my heart on my sleeve. That's a good thing, because when i'm excited or expressing joy, people know it's authentic. however, when i'm preoccupied and really thinking of something, sometimes when i just walk through the university gate and see my friends i'm like a totally different person. i like temporarily forget about all my worries when i'm with them. maybe i subconciously do that for the sake of not being a drag, you know, it's not their problem to deal with, and if im not willing to share it, what's the point in telling them "oh no, i'm fine, nothing's wrong" and walk around like i just lost my bestfriend! i only like really can't hide it when it's huge and i've reached my limit. i don't snap out or anything, but i walk around looking like someone died. and it shows because i'm usually a cheerful, laughing person so ppl could tell a mile away!so anywayz..i, too, am in search for happiness..for many years i've felt like something was missing in my heart. i've got, alhamdulelah (that is Thank God in Arabic), the family, the friends, the faith, and my self-respect..but there was just this sth that i would, for a second or two, even within the most crowded of groups or gatherings, i would just back away mentally and ask myself "what is it? it's like something should be there that isn't" i still cannot find that times though, when i would be really peaceful and tranquil internally, i would feel that what the whole human race is looking for, which is happiness, really lies before our's difficult to achieve in the beginning, but once u start, Allah (that is the word for God in Arabic) guides you the rest of the way. What is it then? It's satisfaction. to be satisfied with Allah and what he has given us. That is like flipping a switch that will in turn make you satisfied with your life, your self, family, situation, friends, and even the hardships. and as we know, the hadeeth says: "man radeya fa laho al reda" Which basically means: he who will try to become satisfied, I will give him the gift of satisfaction (or being satisfied with what you have). Another hadeeth says: "man radeya beqadary a3taytoho 3ala qadry". Meaning that if you are satisfied with Allah's fate for you, he will in turn give you with his own measure --implying here Allah's measure of kindness, and i need not speak of that (NB. These are not translations of the hadeeths, they are only explanations). I guess the thing is with humanity, it's been looking in the wrong direction all of that time. Bottom line is: If you're looking, look for how become a satisfied person, not a happy one. I'm guessing happiness is only meant for us in heaven.If I were to elaborate on that, i'd say that satisfaction requires effort to reach (which could be a way for Allah to tell us, people, nothing comes easy in this life). however, happiness does not require effort, it's something that we're always looking for in things that are outside of our circle of control. we look for it in money, possessions, friends, relationships, love..the usual. but if you try to say, i'm looking for satisfaction in money, you're bound to find that if you want satisfaction in any of the above mentioned, you will have to work at it. you will have to think of all the blessings that you're granted and sincerely appreciate them, you'll have to look at the less fortunate and thank the lord, you'll have to imagine ur life without just one of those blessings to realize that you're the luckiest person alive. when you get the taste of satisfaction once, believe me, you'll crave it everytime it goes, and you'll crave it so bad that if you really turn to Allah, and asked him for the right direction, he will lead you right to it. you will find yourself willing and glad to exert whatever effort it takes to feel the satisfaction again.ok! that was long, but it was an inspiration that Allah just gave me right now, i had to write it before it went away.Thank God i did."

Although the age difference between the two times I've written isn't that huge, but i could certainly trace some differences and similarities. I've been through a great deal since the time I wrote the first entry..a great deal that has taught me most of the things I've learned about life so far. Yeah..I guess you could say I've had an epiphany during that time...a very long epiphany!

That's all I've got to say for now..gotta go do some stuff for my graduation project :-s

but people..I would certainly love to hear any thoughts you have on this topic. No matter how short or long, I'd love to hear it so please send me any comments you feel like you want to share.



  1. Hi,

    it's my first time to write or to leave a comment on a site for someone i don't really know but i liked what you wrote & i can feel it inside of me. There is no difference between Happiness & Satisfaction BUT it's the satisfaction which leads to Happiness (w 3ala ra2i el masal: eli redi b alilo 3ash :D)
    The most important thing is to have an "internal peace" & a faith in God that He's the one who guides your life in the good & bad times.
    About the age, sure it had changed me a Lot, like you, but the "great deal", as you named, didn't taught me real things in life, instead of it taught me how to deffense it the next time i face it...

    So, i think i should go now it was nice to leave you a comment :)


  2. Well, hope you liked leaving a comment :)

    i was just wondering how come no one leaves any comments..does this mean no one reads the blog? i know they do!

    thanks for the comment :)


Can't WAIT to read your comments ;)