Friday, 8 February 2008

Patch Adams

I just watched Robin Williams' “Patch Adams”, and the movie has struck me in more ways than I can describe. It shook me and woke me up, it reminded me of what I wanted most in the world. It reminded me of something I had forgotten, or more like given up on, a long time ago. It lit my flame and brought back to me the passion of helping others, it reminded me of the overwhelming ecstasy and satisfaction I feel when I see the smile on someone’s face after I have helped them in some way. It brought me back to my senses and made me cry till it burned inside. I now can, finally, say who I am in words.

I am the one person in the world who is willing to defy the laws of gravity to spread happiness and cheer. I am the person who will give her last breath to seeing a smile on a face. I am the girl who is willing to make a fool of herself to see a child laugh. I am the person whom God chose to give a gift that is very rare and yet quite common. God has given me the gift of giving. I give love, care, food, money, support, advice, encouragement..anything I could get my hands on that will make someone else happy. I derive my own happiness from seeing others happy; they don’t have to be someone I know, and it doesn’t have to have anything to do with me, but as long as I am seeing smiles in the world, I am a happy person. I will dedicate my last breath and last pound to spreading smiles and love. I will give with no return, love with no judgment, and receive the smiles around me graciously and with no burden. To me an unhappy face is yet another cry for help, not a reason for me to give up.

I don’t know why I was made that way, or what is going to become of me in the future..but one thing I am positive about, if I still have it in me to create love, peace, and lots & lots of smiles then there is absolutely nothing wrong with the world except that it needs some more happiness conductors – and world, they are on their way.


  1. My dear Lubna

    it is very fantastic to me to visit your blog and read your nice posts

    and i like your words about Friends, and the theory about life

    and i am vrey happy to see my Blog link in your side bar

    i hope if you accept me as a bloging friend

    i like to visit your blog from time to time

    and i wish if you visit my blog and see your words to me :)

    hope you nice time


  2. Dear friend,

    Thank you for your kind words and it is certainly and honor having you as a blogging friend. I, too, have visited your blog and enjoyed reading parts of it. Masha2allah, you have a very attractive and interesting way of writing.

    please keep visiting the blog and continue to leave comments, new ideas and thoughts. Everyone is welcome to be a part of my blog.

    As to your other comment on my photo, I tried to view the photos on facebook through the link you gave me, but I cannot get through. And unfortunately I will not be able to add you as a friend on facebook at present as i only add my closest friends and people i have known for a long time. I hope you understand my wish for privacy and hopefully this will not affect our blogger friendship :)

    Take care,


Can't WAIT to read your comments ;)