Wednesday, 9 July 2008

The Secret

My dear friends, I am experiencing a turning point in my life. I am going through something, like nothing ever before. I have learned what I have been seeking for the past several years. I have learned The Secret. The secret of life. The secret to happiness. The secret to unconditional love. The secret to forgiveness. The secret to a happy ending.

I realize I haven’t been posting anything for a while, and that is due to two things. One, I haven’t had anything worthy of your precious time, and two, I didn’t (and still don’t) have an internet connection these days. So I waited until something big happened. Something magnificent that I would be able to write about from my heart. And it finally did.

I would say all my life, but I would really mean just the past seven years because that’s when my life really started. It’s when I started to understand the deeper meaning of life. It is at that time that I started writing down my goals and planning out my life. It was my first ever turning point in life. So for the past seven years I have been wondering, asking myself, and asking God – why do certain things happen? What makes me delirious with joy one second and the next I’m ready to jump out the window with depression? Why is that the exact number of times that I think my computer will go crazy or stop working, it actually does? Why is it that some people just seem to have it all when others live like they don’t have anything at all? Well, through the course of those seven years, I have been getting bits and pieces of information, feedback from God to answer my little questions. Every time I learned something new it felt so good I just had to know more.

Ironically though, it seemed like throughout those seven years my life has been going from bad to worse. I didn’t know why but it seemed like this was the way things went for me. I mourned my ill fate and wondered what I could have possibly done to have reached this stage of misery. Me, the ever so cheerful, ever so joyful girl, I was always the most energetic one in the family. I was always open to new experiences and dying to do everything at the same time! I was always so excited about life that nothing could get in my way, not even an earthquake. I slowly wilted, I lost my light and energy, I forgot what I was so excited about. Life seemed to be treating me so badly that I just hated it, I got to the point that I would wish I was dead. It was sad. Really sad. But just then, at the darkest point of my life, at the lowest point I reached, God started to take my hand. I was so depressed one day that I had to get out of the house; I went to my sanctuary, Virgin Megastore! I browsed for hours through the books dying to find anything I could buy. After an eternity, I found myself magnetized towards a shelf that was never there before, in a corner that I never looked before. I swear it was like someone was behind me pushing me towards this shelf. My eyes fell on the cover of a book, a book that I have read about and have been dying to find because it supposedly summarized what the past seven years of my life had been about. This book, more valuable than any other man-written book that I know of in this world, is, The Secret. This book is the simplest and most joy bringing book I have ever read. I just cannot describe it enough. With every sentence I read I would go “oh my God, yes, that is so true!” or “Wow! That’s why this has been happening, or not happening”. It’s quite magical that a book of such depth and value could be so simple and clear. I really want to meet the author, Rhonda Byrne, to give her a hug, and thank her for the gift she gave to the world. And you know what, I believe I will one day .

So, what is that Secret I’ve been rambling on about? In the simplest of terms, it is the Law of Attraction. This is the law that governs all of our lives, each and every one of us lives by that law. Whether we like it or not, and whether we choose to or not, it is there, and it works. It works for the good and the evil, the happy and the miserable, the young and the old. It does not choose people and leave out others; it is there for all of us, our genie, as they call it in the book, who answers our every call.

It happened to all of us, we look at something, we say to ourselves “ Oh, I wish I could have that”, then we walk away and forget about it. A few days, weeks, months, or even years later, we realize that got what we wanted without even trying. If you look closely at the events that led you to getting what you want, you will see that if just one event or decision had been different, you wouldn’t have been led to having what you asked for. A more common example, you think of someone, you keep telling yourself, I want to call that person, I should get together with them sometime, you start remembering things you want to tell them or things that happened that remind you of that person, and then your phone rings. Yes, it is that person calling you. It happens with my mum all the time, and she’s always telling people “I was just going to call you, or I was just thinking of you” that I sometimes wonder if people think she’s just saying that! But I know it’s true. I believe in that law so strongly that I would believe that chocolate doesn’t exist before I’d believe that it doesn’t work!

I always asked myself, why is it that people like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, and other icons of success in our modern world became the way they did. Most of them started out as very ordinary people, but with extraordinary dreams. Dreams that were much bigger than their logic could believe at the time. But they had faith, and that is why they are what they are now.

I used to think that just by thinking about something it would come true, but that’s not the way it works. I read books about the power of our subconscious mind, the power of positive thinking, and things of the sort, and that’s the picture that I got. If you think about something a lot, and with passion, if you need something so strongly it would happen. To be honest, that was a hassle. To gather the energy every time you want something, to become so passionate about it and want it like it’s a matter of life or death, is not always an easy thing to do. It is very consuming and you don’t always feel so strongly about the things you want, but you still want them. So for the last four years I sort of stopped trying to attract things into my life, I forgot about my goals, I just left myself to the furious tides of life. I let myself drift, personally, spiritually, socially, and financially. I had no control over my life and I hated my guts. My college years were the lowest points of my entire existence. Then I graduated. I hated life even more, but I was on my way up. V.E.R.Y S.L.O.W.L.Y. And now, a year after my graduation, I am once again the joyful, cheerful, innocent (but wise) child that I always loved. I love life, I love my life. Nothing changed much in my own life. Many of the things that I wanted still didn’t come true, but I now know that it was my fault they didn’t happen. I now know that I, and ONLY I, have all the power I need to bring about everything I wanted from life. All I had to do was simply ask. There were two things I used to do in my life that guaranteed I wouldn’t get what I wanted, I either wanted what I wanted so much to the level of desperation, or I didn’t want it at all and couldn’t see any way of it coming true. Either way, I was never going to get what I wanted from life. Then along came The Secret, it taught me that for life to start giving us what we want, for God to start answering our prayers, we must be in a state of joy, let go of our past pains and future fears, believe that what you want is already in existence, and finally, just let it go and don’t think about it. It will manifest itself into your life. It is not your job to worry about how it will happen, or when, all you have to do is ask, believe, and receive. When God tells us to pray for what we want, He does not tell us that he may answer our prayers; He tells us that it is mandatory that He will answer them. There are no terms, no conditions, and no catches. But for us to start seeing our wishes manifest themselves in our lives, we must first purify our hearts of any envy, hate, grudges, bigotry, or anything that could pull us away from entering the zone of joy and love in which we can receive what we asked for.

Everything that you can ever dream of in a 100 year life span is already in existence in the world. No matter how crazy it sounds, it is there. The idea of a virtual space through which people can talk, see each other, learn about anything, within parts of a second was once nothing more than a person, or several people’s vision. If anyone had talked about it a few hundred years ago, they probably would have been taken away to an insane asylum; and now, I think about 90% of the word’s population couldn’t imagine their life without the internet. So nothing is ever too crazy or weird to come true. Whatever you think is a wacky idea, there’s always something wackier! So yes, I do believe that they will invent that bar of chocolate that never finishes, and the water bottle that refills automatically!

This knowledge that God bestowed upon me has turned my life into a paradise. I wake up every single day with a smile on my face. I sing while I cook once again, I smile for no reason. I have more patience and tolerance with people and things than before. I am the best version of myself :D I have learned to be happy just because, I have learned that not having what I want is not always the reason I have a heavy feeling in my heart. I am at a place now where the moment I feel down, I see something on TV, read something in a paper, or in some way be reminded of The Secret; and I am instantly in that place of joy once again. It is not having what you want that makes you happy, simply because when you get it, there will always be other things you want and don’t have; but it is the knowledge that you have the power to call it forth into your life that makes all the difference. It is the knowledge that you are the artist and you get to paint your own life exactly as you wish that gives you a happiness that is better than the feeling of being in love.

Ask yourself these questions, and take the time to answer them, write down the answers and read them at least once a day:

1. What is my joy?
2. How do I feel (now)?
3. What do I want?

When you put yourself in a state of joy, when you feel happy, generous, and forgiving, and when you know what you want, only then will you get your hearts desires.

Take it from the masters, this is the recipe for success, this is the answer to your questions.


  1. Heeeeeeey, welcome back.....
    **That was too long, WOW. interesting. I may comment on the part of subconcious which always happens with me through my life. I think about stuff and they actually happen and I couldnt tell people that I thought about that because they didnt believe me when I told them more than one time. I think about people and they call. same things happen to me and in a period of my life I turned to be so much telepathic with lots of people around me, long time and that was interesting and it was much more interesting when I found some of them telepathic back. For lots of people that seems to be unrealistic at all. Thats because they didnt have it, they didnt try it.
    **Actually the second part of your "The secret" seems to be above the understanding of some people. your talkings seemed to be spiritual for a little and If I got it I may explain myself to be cheerful, hopeful, I have faith, I wait for things to happen and "Things Happen !" and I believe in Fate. Im very much like what I said. I liked your words "I am the best version of myself".
    **Donot stop thinking in this "Secret" because seems you got a clue for lots of things around. You gonna be someone great ya LUBNA. Im not saying anywords but Im sure. "and tell you a secret of me. nowadays I decided not to keep my thoughts to myself and I say it to anybody because when I think about it and It happens I got surprised and feels bad because i didnt tell somebody." You will be a successful person in somewhere I can'figure yet and God gonna bless you much. I may advice you to read about social phsycology. I donot know if that may interest you or not but I believe it gonna help you understanding lots of things around.

    was that too long? best of luck in your lives :D and I enjoyed your writing very much

  2. Thank you for your comment, and for being such a loyal reader :)

    I'm glad you could relate to what i said. It really is something big this law, and i hope that everyone gets the chance to know about it and understand it. i hope God sends it in people's way when they most need it.

    I thank you especially for the last part of your comment because when i read it i was going through a rough a time and i needed all the encouragement and support i could get.

    I would like to take your recommendation about social psychology, so if you have any book names that i could look for, i would really like that.

  3. I donot know what actually to say in this moment while im reading your comment. same time, I just opened my facebook profile and I ve found an invitation for a course called "How to create your life?" search for this event by this name. It actually talks about everything you said in your talk. with a main theme; " The secret"....... WOW WOW WOW
    I will apply for it sure, I got surprised to find it actually.
    Thanks alot and be sure you have at least a reader :D and Im gonna tell you the books I know about social pshyco. but let it be later on. Take care. Good luck

  4. Oh wow, that is amazing, see? It is an amazing law, and has amazing depths. If you ever get the chance to read that book i would strongly recommend it, it just totally changes your life. There's a Documentary DVD as well but they say it's banned in Egypt. Bummer! I really do hope i can get my hands on a copy.

    Be good, and never stop believing in yourself :)

  5. I HAVE BOUGHT THE BOOK AND DOWNLOADING THE MOVIE>>>> longing to read it this week isA. take care .....

  6. Wow, hey that was quick! :D that's really great. i'm glad and i hope you share your insights with me.

    did you download the movie from their official website? because every time i try internet explorer stops working. i have the latest version of IE so that shouldn't be the problem. Any advice?

  7. I have finished the first 23. seems very much interesting to me. the example of the guy of the stand up comedey, learned me alot.. it was so clear how the laws work. and how the secret goes... I hope I can finish it before Friday, the start of the course.

    the aim of this course to me is that they gonna help me ,sure, to clear my mind from any wrong or bad thought. and learn me how to think that way well. I hope you get a course like this.

    I called the training centre and they told my that we gonna give you the dvd of the movie when you come. You can download it from Bearshare of any sharing program however it gonna be difficult; I couldnt. you just try it. also you can watch the first 20 minutes on

    wish you luck, the best of it.

  8. ok hold on, WHAT COURSE??!! is it about the secret? i don't understand..oh my god i've got to know if there's something like that. I;ve GOT TO GO!!!

    Plz reply now, i can't wait to know!


Can't WAIT to read your comments ;)