Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Marriage..Yes, Again!

I’ve come to peaceful terms with some of the issues that have been on my mind lately. One being marriage; is it a 9 legged monster that should be avoided at all costs? Or is it, in fact, a rather splendid project that should be approached with an open mind and a lot of love..well, to make a long story short, I’ve come to believe that it is what you want it to be. People will tell you all sorts of horrible stories in attempts to what would seem like they’re trying to drive you away from it. On the other hand when you say you don’t want it anymore, they go absolutely berserk trying to convince you that you absolutely must get married!! Quite stupid I should say. Let’s just say, the people are confused!! Anyhow, I decided that although it is not an easy task, surfing smoothly through marriage is quite a simple one. Be smart. Be honest. Be yourself.

Alright then..toodles.


  1. Why marriage again....? ! !

  2. no no i didn't get married or anything! (and i never was for that matter!) i said "again" because i had a previous post with the title "marriage" so i didn't want to give two posts the same title exactly.

  3. yeah... i knu all this, Im just asking why u wrote another post about marraige again? may be u need to discribe better the new post.
    Thanks alot


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