Friday, 22 December 2006

People...I'm off to a new start! I feel good about that, and i won't let anything ruin it this time :)

I feel like being on top of a mountain and yelling at the top of my lungs, with the air blowing in my face..not sure what i'll be yelling..but leave that to then! With all the yelling and the wind, i'll probably go home with a sore throat!! :P

The Nightmare of Marriage...Why??

salamu Alaikum's everyone? doing great i hope :)A topic that has always been widely discussed by EVERYONE in, women, youth, children..absolutely everyone, is the issue of marriage..people talk about all aspects of it, good and bad..and personally, some people just get on my nerves when they talk about it!People here are always encouraging you to get married and they're so happy when you do, that is, as long as you say you don't want to! However, once you do as much as imply that you see marriage as a good thing..all hell breaks loose! all of a sudden everyone starts digging up the worst memories they could to show you that marriage is hell on earth! if you're a girl, they tell you you won't be able to do anything for yourself anymore because you'll be totally devoted to your husband and all that..ok now WAIT A MINUTE! the idea of being devoted or devoting your time to your house and husband isn't as horrible as they make it why do they make it seem like you'll be on all fours waiting to slave on your husband's wishes and needs?!! That's such a crappy idea! I mean they won't die if every mother sits with her daughter before marriage and explains to her that although her time won't be completely her own like when she was a girl in her parents' house because now she's a part of someone's life, who depends on her in many aspects (and this in itself is something for every wife to be proud of), she will still be able to have fun, go out, do things for herself, and be a human being! would it kill them to do that? why do all the married women in the family find joy in making us girls feel like they're throwing themselves in the arms of a monster who knows no mercy?!And to the guys, his mother and all the women in his family have to convince him that the moment his wife feels that he loves her, she'll take out her broom and cast her spell to take over everything and suck as much money as she can from him! instead of telling him, like Islam teaches us, that the more you love your wife and treat her with mercy and respect, the more she will become devoted to you, and appreciate and admire you.i feel like what i wrote was totally unorganized..but that's because i just came home after spending two hours on the bus because of traffic and rain, and because i'm really fed up about that issue..i try to ignore it, but when it's directed at you it kinda gets you pissed off. i can't recall how many hours i've spent rationalizing with older people that if there's a problem with marriage these days, and no one is happy and everyone's getting divorced..then it's not marriage's fault, it's the people who aren't doing it right..basically my point of view is, who created this marriage? and called it Holy? it's our Creator, Allah, it's God who created next question is, is it logical, or even possible, that He who created us and gave us everything we have, from the systems in our body that keep us alive, to the harmony in nature that makes it possible for us to live in it, is it possible that He would do all that for us, and then create something like marriage to torture us with? personally, it doesn't make sense to me. So if anyone's got a problem with marriage, it's not because the system of marriage is's because we don't know how to live with it and implement it the right way..anyone got any thoughts on that? i'd like to know what you guys think..ok then..i'll go mope somewhere else now! i've got so much on my mind and i reaaally need some sleep!take care everyone :)

Will Power

Having will power is something not everyone is blessed with..and those who have it, don't manage to use it all the time..I was just pondering over a conversation i had with a friend about many thoughts crossed my mind and i will try to get most of them down here..i started by thinking, what do we need will power for? why do we have to have this conscience that warns us when we're about to do something that may sometimes be catastrophically wrong..and may, at other times, be a much simpler that, my own consciense answered and told me, if you want to know why i'm here, and why i'm always there in everybody's head, imagine the opposite picture. Imagine if no one had a consciense. Imagine if everyone did everything they ever desired and had no restrictions what so ever..Now, you complain about how sins and vices are so common those days that it's considered "old-fashioned" or futile to even frown upon them. What do you think would be the case if everyone who wanted to cheat, lie, steal, kill, rape, or commit any kind of crime, had the liberty of doing so. Even if you don't care about other people's safety, you will at least, care about your's. Right?So that's as far as why we have a conscience is that i realize why i have a conscience, another question popped into my head..When i get an idea to do something that i know is wrong, the little voice inside my head keeps telling me not to go through with it, it'll get you in know it's wrong. But still, your little devil keeps minimizing the negative side of your action, and magnifying the rosy side, to the extent that you end up believing that you HAVE to do it. Can you see where it suddenly transformed from something that you KNEW was wrong, to something that you're constantly giving yourself excuses for?So here i wondered..what's the use of my conscience then? isn't it supposed to stop me from wrong doing? conscience took the liberty of answering that one. Here my conscience told me "No! And a BIG NO too! I'm responsible for reminding you and warning you that what you do is wrong..but that's where my role ends..the rest is up to you.."Oh! So then who's going to stop me from doing something wrong?My conscience had a very simple answer for that told me.."when you do a good deed, who do u expect to take the reward and appraisal?" Obviously, i replied that i expected it would be me who should be rewarded.."Ok, and when you do something wrong, would it be fair if someone else is punished?" Of course not, if i do something bad, i should bear the consequences.."why do you believe in that? why should you be rewarded or punished for your actions?" Well, simply because i'm the one who decided, with my own free will, to do them! "Aha! There you go, you just answered your own question! You're the only one who has complete control over your actions, and you're the one who decides whether to do something, or not do it. Then simply, you're the one who should be responsible for stopping yourself from doing something that you know is wrong, and ESPECIALLY that you have ME to remind you, so you can't say i didn't know, or i forgot!"Hmm..that makes sense, doesn't it?I guess even if it seems so easy to say it doesn't, because that would take the responsibility off my back, deep down i would still know it's the right thing..But does that mean that I'm doomed just because i slipped once and did something wrong, even though i knew it was wrong? No, of course not, as long as you acknowledge that you did something wrong, feel true remorse that you did it, and vow never to do it again, then you have to be positive that you're forgiven, and that your wrong-doing was completely erased..not only that, but whatever punishment Allah was planning to give you for your actions, will become a reward for your remorse, and strength and courage to admit you were wrong.Isn't He lovely? Can you see how much He loves us? Thank God for that love..Bottom line is: YOU and only you have the power to stop yourself from doing something wrong..that power is called will power.Take care my friends..Can't wait to read your comments ;)

Blog Transferred..

Hiya ppl..I've moved my blog to here now, so i'll be posting here from now on

Nothing to say i'll come back later with more :)

take care all..
